Mr Assoc. Prof. PD. habil. Celâl Soyarslan, Ph.D.

- computational continuum mechanics
- local and global approaches to fracture in solids
- mechanical material characterization
- instabilities in solid mechanics
- formability of metallic materials
- finite element analysis
News Updates
B. Gülcimen Cakan, P. Hähner, C. Soyarslan, S. Bargmann
An enhanced method to evaluate tensile yield stress by Small Punch tests using defection curves, Materials 2020, 13(12), 2840
E. Griffiths, C. Soyarslan, S. Bargmann, D. Reddy
Insights into the fracture mechanisms in nanoporous gold and their polymer-filled composites
Extreme Mechanics Letters, accepted for publication, 2020
X.-L. Peng, C. Soyarslan, S. Bargmann
Phase contrast mediated switch of auxetic mechanism in composites of infilled re-entrant honeycomb microstructures
Extreme Mechanics Letters 35, 2020, 100641
C. Soyarslan, M. Pradas, S. Bargmann
Effective elastic properties of 3D stochastic bicontinuous composites
Mechanics of Materials 137, 2019
P. Hähner, C. Soyarslan, B. Gülçimen Çakan, S. Bargmann
Determining tensile yield stresses from Small Punch tests: A numerical-based scheme
Materials & Design, 182, 2019
C. Soyarslan, V. Blümer, S. Bargmann
Tunable auxeticity and elastomechanical symmetry in a class of very low density core-shell cubic crystals
Acta Materialia, 2019
S. H. Raza, C. Soyarslan, S. Bargmann, B. Klusemann
Computational modeling of amorphous polymers: A Lagrangian logarithmic strain space formulation of a glass-rubber constitutive model
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 344, pp 887-909, 2019
E.S. Perdahcıoglu, C. Soyarslan, E. Asık, A.H. van den Boogaard, S. Bargmann
A Class of Rate-Independent Lower-order Gradient Plasticity Theories: Implementation and Application to Disc Torsion Problem
Materials, 11(8), 1425, 2018
C. Soyarslan, H. Argeso, S. Bargmann
Skeletonization-based beam finite element models for stochastic bicontinuous materials: application to simulations of nanoporous gold
Journal of Materials Research, pp 1 - 12, 2018
S. Bargmann, B. Klusemann, J. Markmann, J. Schnabel, K. Schneider, C. Soyarslan, J. Wilmers
Generation of 3d representative volume elements (RVEs) for heterogeneous materials: a review
Progress in Materials Science 96, pp 322-384, 2018
C. Soyarslan, S. Bargmann, M. Pradas, J. Weissmüller
3d stochastic bicontinuous microstructures: generation, topology and elasticity
Acta Materialia 149, pp 326-340, 2018
C. Petershagen, C. Soyarslan, B. Gülcimen, S. Bargmann
Computational modelling of stress development in metatarsals – on the importance of plantar aponeurosis
Journal of Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics 5, Vol.2, pp. 111-118(8), 2017
C. Soyarslan, E. S. Perdahcıoğlu, E. E. Aşık, A. H. van den Boogaard, S. Bargmann
Implementation and application of a gradient enhanced crystal plasticity model
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017
B. Gülcimen, C. Soyarslan, S. Bargmann, P. Haehner
Experimental and computational study of ductile fracture in small punch tests
Materials 10, 1185 (19 pages) 2017
C. Soyarslan, E. Husser, S. Bargmann
Effect of surface elasticity on the elastic response of nanoporous gold
Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanic, accepted for publication, 2017
E. Husser, C. Soyarslan, S. Bargmann
Size affected dislocation activity in crystals: advanced surface and grain boundary conditions
Extreme Mechanics Letters, 36–41, 2017
C. Soyarslan, B. Klusemann, S. Bargmann
The effect of yield surface curvature change by cross hardening on forming limit diagrams of sheets
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 117, 53-56, 2016
Q. Yin, C. Soyarslan, K. Isik, A.E. Tekkaya
A grooved in-plane torsion test for the investigation of shear fracture in sheet metals
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 121–132, 2015
C. Soyarslan, S. Bargmann
Thermomechanical formulation of ductile damage coupled to nonlinear isotropic hardening and multiplicative (visco) plasticity
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 91, 334-358, 2016
D. Sopu, C. Soyarslan, B. Sarac, S. Bargmann, M. Stoica, J. Eckert
Structure-property relations in nanoporous metallic glasses
Acta Materialia 106, 199-207, 2016
C. Soyarslan, B. Gulcimen, S. Bargmann, P. Haehner
Modeling of fracture in small punch tests for small- and large-scale yielding conditions at various temperatures
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 106, 266-285, 2016
C. Soyarslan, I. Türtük, B. Deliktas, S. Bargmann
A thermodynamically consistent constitutive theory for modeling micro-void and/or micro-crack driven failure in metals at finite strains
International Journal of Applied Mechanics 8 (1), 1650009-1-1650009-20, 2016
S. Bargmann, C. Soyarslan, E. Husser, N. Konchakova
Materials based design of structures: computational modeling of the mechanical behavior of gold-polymer nanocomposites
Mechanics of Materials, 94,53-65, 2016
Soyarslan, H. Richter, S. Bargmann
Variants of Lemaitre’s damage model and their use in formability prediction of metallic materials
Mechanics of Materials 92, 58-79, 2016
L. Lührs, C. Soyarslan, J. Markmann, S. Bargmann, J. Weissmüller
Elastic and plastic Poisson’s ratio of nanoporous gold
Scripta Materialia 110, 65-69, 2016
Q. Yin, C. Soyarslan, K. Isik, A.E. Tekkaya
A grooved in-plane torsion test for the investigation of shear fracture in sheet metals
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 66, 121-132, 2015
C. Soyarslan, H. Richter, S. Bargmann
Lode parameter dependence and quasi-unilateral effects in continuum damage mechanics: models and applications in metal forming
Key Engineering Materials, Volume 651-653, Pages 187-192, 2015
C. Soyarslan, B. Klusemann, S. Bargmann
A directional modification of the Levkovitch-Svendsen cross-hardening model based on the stress deviator
Mechanics of Materials, Volume 86, Pages 21-30, 2015
A. Behrouzi, C. Soyarslan, B. Klusemann, S. Bargmann
Inherent and induced anisotropic finite visco-plasticity with applications to the forming of DC06 sheets
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Volume 89, December 2014, Pages 101–111
Z.M. Yue, C. Soyarslan, H. Badreddine, K. Saanouni, A.E. Tekkaya
Identification of fully coupled anisotropic plasticity and damage constitutive equations using a hybrid experimental-numerical methodology with various triaxialities
International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2014, 1056789514546578
S. Ossenkemper, M. Haase, C. Soyarslan, A. Jäger, A.E. Tekkaya
Tool design induced anisotropic flow behavior of hot extruded aluminum profiles
Key Engineering Materials, Volume 585, Pages 131–138, 2013
A.Y. Sammer, C. Soyarslan, P. Haupt, L. Kwiatkowski, A.E. Tekkaya
A simple finite strain non-linear visco-plastic model for thermoplastics and its application to the simulation of incremental cold forming of polyvinylchloride (PVC)
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Volume 66, Pages 192–201, 2013
Z.M. Yue, C. Soyarslan, H. Badreddine, K. Saanouni, A.E. Tekkaya
Inverse identification of CDM model parameters for DP1000 steel sheets using a hybrid experimental-numerical methodology spanning various stress triaxiality ratios
Key Engineering Materials, Volume 554–557, Pages 2103–2110, 2013
C. Becker, K. Isik, A. Bayraktar, S. Chatti, M. Hermes, C. Soyarslan, A.E. Tekkaya
Numerical investigation of the incremental tube forming process
Key Engineering Materials, Volume 554–557, Pages 664–670, 2013
A. Güner, C. Soyarslan, A. Brosius, A.E. Tekkaya
Characterization of anisotropy of sheet metals employing inhomogeneous strain fields for Yld2000-2D yield function
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 49, Issue 13, Pages 3517–3527, 2012
C. Soyarslan, M. Malekipour Gharbi, A.E. Tekkaya
A combined experimental-numerical investigation of ductile fracture in bending of a class of a ferritic-martensitic steel
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 49, Issue 13, Pages 1608– 1626, 2012
Y. Qing, C. Soyarslan, A. Güner, A. Brosius, A.E. Tekkaya
A cyclic twin bridge shear test for the identification of kinematic hardening parameters
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Volume 59, Issue 1, Pages 31–43, 2012
P. Oyar, C. Soyarslan, G. Can, E. Demirci
Finite element analysis of stress distribution on modified retentive tips of bar clasp
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering , Volume 15, Issue 6, Pages 609-613, 2012
M. Malekipour Gharbi, C. Labergére, H. Badreddine, C. Soyarslan, A. Weinrich, M. Hermes, S. Chatti, H. Sulaiman, K. Saanouni, A.E. Tekkaya
Advanced Experimental-Numerical Investigations of Cold Bending of High Strength Steels
Steel Research International, Special Edition for International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP) 2011, Pages 877–882, 2011
C. Soyarslan, D.P.F. Faßmann, B. Plugge, K. I̧sık, L. Kwiatkowski, M. Schaper, A. Brosius, A.E. Tekkaya
An experimental and numerical assessment of sheet-bulk formability of mild steel DC04
ASME-Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering - Special Issue on Advances in Plastic Forming of Metals, Volume 133, Issue 6, 2011
A. Güner, Y. Qing, C. Soyarslan, A. Brosius, A.E. Tekkaya
Inverse method for identification of initial yield locus of sheet metals utilizing inhomogeneous deformation fields
International Journal of Material Forming, Volume 4-2, Pages 121–128, 2010
C. Soyarslan, A.E. Tekkaya
Finite deformation plasticity coupled with isotropic damage: Formulation in principal axes and applications
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 46, Issue 8, Pages 668–683, 2010
C. Soyarslan, A.E. Tekkaya
A damage coupled orthotropic finite plasticity model for sheet metal forming: CDM approach
Computational Materials Science, Volume 48, Issue 1, Pages 150–165, 2010
C. Soyarslan, A.E. Tekkaya
Prevention of internal cracks in forward extrusion by means of counter pressure: a numerical treatise
Steel Research International, Volume 80, Issue 9, Pages 671-679, 2009
C. Soyarslan, A.E. Tekkaya, U. Akyüz
Application of continuum damage mechanics in discontinuous crack formation: forward extrusion chevron predictions
Angew. Math. Mech., Volume 88, Issue 6, Pages 436-453, June 2008
C. Soyarslan, B. Klusemann, S. Bargmann
The effect of yield surface curvature change by cross hardening on forming limit diagrams of sheets
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 117, 53-56, 2016